It is true. Common ingredients found in many popular hair care products contain toxic ingredients that can cause various health risks, including blindness, reduced sperm count, suppression of the immune system, and even risks of certain types of cancer.

When we wash and condition our hair, the pores in our scalp absorb the chemicals used to make the products we use. Many times, people don’t pay attention to the ingredients that go into making hair care products, but those very ingredients that we hope will give the desired results may be the same ingredients that one day someone in the hospital finds with. a diagnosis of cancer.

Most shampoos contain a harsh chemical used as a detergent, some fancy fragrance that only the manufacturer really knows about, the chemicals used in their development, synthetic dyes, and many other ingredients that are toxic to the body.

Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) and also commonly known as Sodium Dodecyl and Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLFS) is one such detergent used in popular shampoos. However, what manufacturers do not inform people is that this chemical is very toxic to young children and can even cause blindness. Not only that, but the other risks associated with SLS and its derivatives are cataract formation, possible link between SLS and SLFS with cancer, skin irritation, dermatitis, premature hair loss, scalp irritations, eczema, dandruff and other harmful conditions of the scalp. This is just one chemical component used in the manufacture of shampoos and the risks only for that particular chemical. Add in the risks of the other chemicals used in shampoo making, and you have a dumping ground for toxic waste that you’re dumping on your hair.

Hair conditioners are no better and possibly worse as it is common for people to let the conditioner sit on the scalp for several minutes before rinsing it out. This allows the dangerous ingredients in the hair product much more time to see your system through the pores of your scalp. Just one drop of SLS can stay in your system for five days, giving it plenty of time to pass into systemic tissues such as the brain, liver, and other vital organs.

If you wash and condition your hair daily, your body is never free of this chemical which can cause you some serious risks, not to mention the risks to an exposed young child. Fragrances used alone in conditioners have some very serious side effects, including immune system suppression, endocrine disruptors, and cancer.

So one may ask, what is the alternative? The first and most important thing any consumer should do is learn about the potential risks of the ingredients used in the products they buy. This goes for all products, not just hair care products, but it’s a great starting point.

Another solution is to make your own hair care products so that you know exactly what the ingredients are. You can wash it out with an egg shampoo, which is simply a couple of eggs beaten until foamy and massaged into your hair like you would a traditional shampoo, however it leaves a film on your hair. This can be resolved with a water rinse with vinegar or lemon juice (ratio of 3 tablespoons of vinegar or juice to 1 cup of water).

A great conditioner is to simply heat up a can of beer and pour it over your hair. Let sit for about a minute, then rinse with water. There are several other homemade shampoo and conditioner recipes that can be used to achieve beautiful hair without the risks of damaging side effects.

Learn not only about what you put into your body, but also what you put into your body; it can be just as detrimental to your health.