Category: Sports

What makes Earl Averill a Hall of Famer?

Many great baseball players made the game interesting and memorable. These athletes have made important contributions to why so many young people want to play. One of the baseball hall of famers who made such an impact is Howard Earl Averill. He was nicknamed, Rock. Averill was born on May 21, 1902 in Snohomish, Washington. […]

The best football betting tips

Football (or soccer) has gained a high level of popularity among the people of the UK. Soccer fans have numerous options for betting on domestic games, such as the English Premier League and similar leagues played in Scotland and Ireland. Fans who have a penchant for betting will watch the teams closely for some tips […]

Apologies for not having insurance

Have you ever wondered what goes through the minds of people who own a car but don’t have car insurance? Do you ever let someone else drive your car? Have you ever wondered while driving if the person next to you has car insurance? I think about it all the time. The truth is, there […]

Matt Cooper – Sexiest Man in the League

Matt Cooper was born on April 18, 1979 and raised in Port Kembla, New South Wales, in Australia. He is a professional Rugby League soccer player. He owns a men’s fashion store. He is also a professional model for magazines and calendars and is also a brand endorser. He is currently signed with the St. […]

Fun tips to get your love back

All these “get your love back” articles preach to you about how hard work it’s going to be to rekindle love once lost, blah blah blah… Okay, but how about the fun part? Remember, we get into relationships in the first place because they are supposed to make us happy. Being in love and being […]

Brain exercises for word nerds

Your friends won’t play Scrabble with you. You do the Sunday “NYT” crossword in ink. You read the dictionary for fun. Yeah, you’re a word nerd. Exercising the “word part” of your brain contributes to better writing. Here are some exercises to get the word nerd in you worked out. 1. Read books on linguistics. […]

What is Annika Sorenstam’s workout routine?

So you know Tiger Woods? Then you’ll most likely place a female counterpart in the name of Annika Sorenstam. He might find it interesting, especially if he’s not too bogged down when it comes to the game of golf. But you do know her, most likely because you’ve heard of that vaunted position. What does […]

Social media isn’t just Gooble-Digook on Thanksgiving

The first Thanksgiving in 1621 featured no turkey or pumpkin pie. There were also no sweet potatoes or cranberry sauce served during that original three-day celebration. In fact, the holiday wasn’t even called Thanksgiving until 1863. According to Edward Winslow, who actually attended the first holiday party, what we now call “Thanksgiving” was simply considered […]
