Category: Pets

Mississippi Bobcat Hunting

In the forests of Mississippi, large predators are few and far between. We have no grizzlies or wolves, and contrary to what your friend Robbie says, there hasn’t been a confirmed panther sighting in decades. What we do have are wildcats. What is a bobcat? With a scientific name as Lynx rufus, the bobcat is […]

A dog is for life, not just for Christmas

Every year around Christmas time, the RSPCA calls on everyone to think before buying a puppy or any other pet as a Christmas present. The RSPCA’s message is “A dog is for life, not just for Christmas.” This message is for people to think about and consider the implications of having a pet. It’s a […]

Natural Treatment for Giardia

Giardia It is a protozoan parasite found in lakes, streams, ditches, and other outdoor water sources. The parasite is expelled by wild animals high up in the basin, and as the water descends, it becomes further contaminated by other animals living nearby. Any dog ​​or cat that drinks from a pond, river, or other natural […]

Tips for dancing Grind

First of all, I want to say that I love to grind, and in this article I will try to give you my best tips for grinding. I’ve been grinding with girls for about fifteen years, since I was about twelve or thirteen. This is one of the best types of dances to meet girls […]

How to stop your dachshund from chasing cats

Dachshunds were bred to hunt and catch badgers, so it shouldn’t surprise you if you hear of a Dachshund chasing cats. Dachshunds will often chase cats, or even any small animals, because they see them as encroaching on their territory. Most Dachshunds don’t see the cat as their next meal, they just want to get […]

Bichon Frize Training to Stop Dog Marking

You know that you have managed to achieve a successful result in Bichon Frize training. Then all of a sudden, she discovered the smell of dog urine on the door, the table leg and other furniture in the house. How come these things happen when you are very conscious that you used effective and appropriate […]

Poodle Breed: Is A Poodle Right For You?

The poodle, also known as the poodle, is a popular breed of water dog. Based on the size, there are 4 varieties of poodle namely toy poodle, miniature poodle, medium poodle and standard poodle. However, the Medium variety is not that popular in the world. In this article, we are going to find out if […]
