Category: Pets

Get started with Google AdWords

Google AdWords advertising allows you to show your ads to people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services, and filter out those who are not. You can track how many people your ad was shown to, how many of those people clicked on your ad, and more by integrating your […]

Get your ex back without any pressure

Some breakups are more difficult than others. There are relationships that end, if not happily, with an understanding. There are others who will tear you apart, so that you feel empty. These are the breakups where you know you don’t want it to end, even if you didn’t realize it at the time it all […]

Premarital Counseling – Does It Work?

Since the latter part of the 20th century, the institution of marriage has experienced a progressive decline. Studies have shown that since 1970, divorce rates have tripled. 20% of all marriages end in divorce. Another 20% of couples living under the same roof are emotionally divorced from each other. “Getting married is easy,” says Flack, […]

The story of Penny Squares and other Redwork

Contour embroidery played an important role in the history of quilting. It was used in blocks, most commonly penny squares, which were printed pieces of muslin that sold for a hundred each. Contour embroidery designs spanned many styles and themes, and many of these ancient patterns are still available to quilters today. In recent years, […]

8 tips to cheer up depressed pets

What if lately you’ve noticed that your pet is sleeping abnormally (more than usual), eating less, seems sad, and spends most of the time moping around the house? All of these behaviors are completely opposite of their normal behavior. You can certainly start to worry! Depression is what your furry friend may be experiencing. This […]
