Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Living after gallbladder removal

The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped sac located below the liver (on the right side of the abdomen) that contains about a half cup of a greenish-yellow fluid called gallbladder bile. Bile originates in the liver before passing to the gallbladder, where the bile becomes 4 to 12 times more concentrated. The healthy, functioning gallbladder […]

midlife crisis in women

Life is a cycle of seasons, and transitions between seasons can be worrying. There can often be minor lifestyle interruptions, which are soon resolved. But when they persist, there is a crisis. Midlife is one of those periods that has been recognized as a period of potential crisis. Midlife falls between the late 30s and […]

Valentine’s Day – Propose Traits

All of us celebrate Valentine’s Day with great enthusiasm every year on February 14. This is the best day to express your feelings, as it is said that your beloved cannot say NO on this day. Lovers share their feelings and exchange gifts and flowers. But, do you know the story attached to this festival […]
