Category: Lifestyle Fashion

Being gay is a gift from God

“Being gay is a gift from God. But our culture doesn’t understand that and consequently sends messages that you need to be isolated. And isolation is the antithesis of what we all need. We need community, we just can’t do it.” spirituality or being fully alive without community” The above line was recently spoken by […]

Acne: wage war against buttons!

Acne in adolescence is known to 80% of young people between the ages of 11 and 20. However, why suffer without acting? Although there are some solutions. What could be more common than teenage pimples? In question: the hormonal changes of puberty strongly stimulate the secretion of sebum. This overproduction of clogged pores (or hair […]

How to stay friends with your ex

How to be friends after a bad breakup In most relationships, couples come together not only as lovers or spouses, but also as friends. They enjoy talking to each other, laughing together, and sharing secrets as well as creating romantic memories. But what happens when romance breaks out? Romance can die even in happy, healthy […]
