Category: Health Fitness

Cardio Zone elliptical trainers

CardioZone manufactures several similar elliptical trainers, falling into the lower price range than the Nautilus or Octane brands. they have four types of trainers, and each one adapts to different workouts and user needs. The stride adapts to the users and is almost impact free, which is especially Important for people with knee problems. The […]

Automatic pool water leveler

If you are looking for a reliable automatic pool water leveler, I will save you time and money by sharing some facts about water levelers. Right off the bat: stay away from any auto-fill device that connects to a garden hose! They are constructed primarily of plastic parts that can and will warp or become […]

your ideal weight

Here’s a question for you: how much do you want to weigh for the rest of your life? Now, I’m normally a bit cynical about weight-change programs, as I prefer to measure myself by how my clothes fit, but my wife is a champion of weight-based programs, and this is it. By far the most […]

Tips to lose weight during pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancy and getting back to your old figure can often seem like one of the most daunting tasks facing a new mother. With all the time and attention required to properly care for a newborn, losing weight is often far from a real priority. But by following these simple pregnancy weight loss […]

run the distance

After a good workout, my head was down as I sat in the sauna sweating like a turkey on Thanksgiving eve. My downcast eyes couldn’t help but notice and follow what was the weirdest shoe I’d ever seen in the gym. They entered the sauna like an alien entering a spaceship. At first, I thought […]
