Category: Arts Entertainments

Life in the Middle East

When someone lives in places unfamiliar to him or her, a lot of observation, learning, and adaptation will have to take place. Adapting to the new environment, customs, traditions and others are important factors to live a life different from the one you knew. If a person lived in the countries of the Middle East […]

Is it safe to travel to your destination?

Worrying about the potential dangers that await you in a foreign country can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you haven’t traveled extensively. The best approach to this fear is to remember that your worries are often exaggerated by the unknown element of traveling abroad. Thinking about your safety while planning your trip will inevitably […]

Top 20 Four Tops Hits

In the early 1950s, four Detroit high school students performed at a local birthday party. After that, these four students stayed together as one of the biggest R&B groups for more than four decades. Levi Stubbs (brother of Joe Stubbs from The Falcon and cousin of Jackie Wilson), Abdul “Duke” Fakir, Renaldo “Obie” Benson and […]
