Not long ago, an acquaintance theorized that it might be possible for humans to communicate without voice or cell phones with other humans, through the natural environment, with other humans, or with other species. In fact, it makes sense that this would be possible, if the other species and humans were on similar wavelengths and in tune. Okay, so maybe you want to call this all paranormal stuff or pseudoscience fringe?

Well, you’re welcome to do that, and academia and science will back you up, up to a point. Still, let’s take you out of your comfort zone here and think for a second, because my acquaintance raises an interesting point and a great topic if you dare to deviate or allow your mind some leeway here.

Well, I’d say that, as I’m a fan of Rupert Sheldrake’s human-animal communication concepts, and have experienced it myself with birds, small tree rodents, etc. that I have no problem with that, nor do I have any problem with the concept of aborigines or hunters from African tribes sending messages to their villages, or birds sending messages to other birds 50 miles away to warn them of danger, or announcing arrival at a food source.

Remember that birds often congregate, and even birds that don’t congregate nest, are birds of prey, live and hunt together, eat the same food, therefore the same bacteria, brain chemicals, and also operate at the same biorhythm rates at the same time, it makes perfect sense that their brains are wired to similar frequencies and the bacteria in their bodies are too.

Birds in flocks can change direction at the same time, faster than reflexes would due to the speed of neural communication. But do they do it right? Hell yeah, that’s observable, but dare I ask how do they do it? Are you operating as an organism during those periods? Communicate via brain waves? How do you know the answer? You are not a bird brain.

You may have a problem even entertaining this thought, but I don’t. My acquaintance asks some tough questions, and I don’t really have a problem with any of this, and I guess science will reconsider its views in the future when it’s proven to be so, or explained, and it’s no longer considered a thing. paranormal type. , because it is in fact a natural occurrence, more typical than non-typical. Anyway, I tend to agree and follow his point here.

What I have learned running, when I am away from the city in the woods, or hills and what I call “Bushwhacking” or getting off the road and making my own way; is that when I meet animals and other species. There is a sense of being watched and a subtle communication that seems to take place. I’m not sure how to describe it, but you may have noticed this as well.

Now if I run down the glowing path, full power, and think to myself; “I own this trail, I am strong, Watch out!” either that intense thought or the sound of my footsteps and breathing makes all the animals, insects, whatever, flee, and I can hear the bushes come to life in a frenzy, running in all directions, frightened. BUT, if I run through the woods and focus my intention ahead of my position or send cerebral thoughts like; “I’ll be running don’t worry about me I’ll be gone in a couple of seconds hope you have a nice day” squirrels birds and other animals just sit there sometimes within 5-6 feet and just watch me as I go to buy, without fear.

So, I ask why; Well, the answer is simple; “Intent” and the fact that I have communicated a thought and sent it to you. The same goes for insects, which are generally very risk averse. See those dots? I know since I experienced this, that what you indicate is a repeatable experiment in any part of the planet Earth.

What do you think?

Now, I want to thank Agustín Antúnez Corrales from Spain to whom I also dedicate this article. Augustine runs an online meeting place for geniuses and brilliant humans and has a bevy of websites that further his mission of uniting human thinkers.