The 4 steps to attract readers to your blog are:

1. Write to entertain and educate, don’t think about making money for the first few months of blogging.

Share what you know, tell the latest news, provide guides and practical advice. Don’t let money control you. During the initial phase of your blog, write articles with the intention of educating the reader.

2. Write straight from the heart.

Tell your reader who you are, where you are from, what your day job is right now, tell them if you are a student or not, your personal status (single or married), and tell them why you keep blogging. Write straight from the heart as if you were speaking honestly from the heart.

3. Choose 4 popular blogs as your personal reference.

You can use popular blogs as your personal reference in building a readership for your own blog. Keep in mind, don’t copy these popular blogs, just find out what they do, how they develop their original content, study their writing style, and adapt the same approach to your blog. Don’t copy, just follow, adapt, innovate.

4 Make friends with other bloggers.

Blogging is fun because you will also meet other bloggers who write about the same topic as you. You need friends online. Make friends with other bloggers and keep producing useful content. They will link your blog content to your useful content and lastly add more inbound links to your blog, and then make your blog appear relevant to the search engine. You will be rewarded with a good position in the search engine rankings.