Have you ever witnessed a recent sequence of events and thought about the analogy of the use of smoke and mirrors? Historically, many politicians have successfully used and implemented the policy of diversion, and have used some political twist, for their personal / political agenda and / or for their own interests. However, it seems that we have recently gone beyond that level, seriously and significantly, and are experiencing an attempt to create a MIRAGE, So what, Kellyanne Conway, President Trump’s Senior Adviser, Streets, Alternative Data. In my opinion, that reference is an oxymoron, because something is a fact or someone’s opinion and while we are all entitled to our own opinions, we are not entitled to our own set. of facts! If, sooner rather than later, we do not demand more, the damage inflicted will be significant and damaging! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is concerning.

one. Message / messenger; to motivate; brand: We often hear, we should not blame the messenger, when we hear, a message that we do not like, but, in the case of this president and his spokesmen, we are often exposed to messages that are far less than trustworthy! It seems that Trump wants to motivate and inspire his main supporters, and he measures everything he does, if he leaves the mark, in those terms, rather than reality!

two. Ideas; integrity; image; innovate; ideology: Instead of presenting ideas, focused on viable solutions, relevant and sustainable challenges, etc., we witness a lot of empty rhetoric and conflicting narratives. Wouldn’t we be better served by someone, with genuine integrity, who is more concerned with addressing priorities than with their own image, interests, etc.? While this occupant of the White House, he rarely innovates, but seems to emphasize the supposed attraction to the past. Shouldn’t every public leader align his actions, based on the ideology, of this nation?

3. Relevant; realistic; reasons: What good is a plan, unless / until it is based on needs, priorities, goals, etc. relevant and sustainable? Before voting, for anyone, we must closely examine and review their reasons for wanting to hold political office.

Four. Attitude; fitness; attention; behaviour; articulate: While we would benefit from a leader with a positive, can-do attitude and a relevant set of skills and abilities, President Trump often seems to pay close attention to his own interests. The focus of his actions and the way he articulates, using a lot of vitriol and confusing statements, seem to be at odds with our nation’s best interests.

5. Greater good; generate goodwill; growth: Our nation’s growth and sustainability depend on benefiting the common good and constantly building goodwill. How many people, do you think, the nation’s leadership, since 2017, has gone in that direction?

6. Empathy; emphasis; efforts; Excellence: Not listening and learning effectively from every conversation and experiencing, in a negative way, the impacts, the genuine empathy of someone! Focus on what someone is doing and their apparent logic, rather than their rhetoric and / or promises! Where any leader decides to put his emphasis, it is often related, with his possibilities, to achieve quality and real excellence!

If we hope to elect better political leaders, voters must be careful about the MIRAGE, and thoroughly examine a candidate’s plans, emphasis, and suggested solutions. Will you commit to these efforts?