I’m sure many of you have already seen the movie Avatar … If you haven’t seen it yet, go see it in the cinema and especially in the way the movie was made. In 3D!

For some, this may just be another source of entertainment. I am not a film critic, however what can sometimes be overlooked in a movie are the wonderful things that can be learned from it. And I’m not just talking about his message about love and saving the environment, but even more about the effect he has had on people and how perhaps he has rejected a possible chain of encouragement in the film industry. Reading the movie from a business perspective is truly fascinating and inspiring.

How is that? Here are 4 things I learned.

1. Exceeding the limits

James Cameron, as an outstanding director, has vision. He dreams big and that’s where most movies start. Like dreams in the head of these masterminds. Well known in Hollywood for being a demanding director, he always wants the best. Pushing the limits so that many will remember his works for years to come.

Lesson: Is it good to be demanding and a perfectionist? Some may complain and say that this is not so good because it can make you look like an idealistic ogre. However, take a look at this form. If you want to do something, do it big or don’t do it at all. In the words of Donald Trump “If you’re going to think anyway, think big!” Also, if you ask yourself and others to be the best, you will be the best at what you do.

2. Detailed investigation

In any business it is always essential to start with an idea first. Then followed a way of conceptualizing the idea and planning how to execute it. James Cameron had Avatar in his drawer even before Titanic was made, so it was just a draft. When he finally decided to produce the film, extensive research was conducted to ensure that all the details about the world of Pandora could be brought to life. Details like the creation of the environment, the language that would be used on this alien planet, could this movie be seen on a massive scale?

Lesson: On that note, the same goes for marketing. Before executing any idea, one always has to do their homework, which is the research. Researching the market demands, your competitors in that niche, and finding quality products are essential to the success of your online business. After conducting extensive research, you will get a clearer picture of your marketing campaign execution.

2. Find a niche

This is probably like marketing 101, but it’s always a good thing to consider. 3D was already on the market, however, there weren’t that many 3D movies worth watching. Realizing there was untapped potential, Avatar has grown the market for the 3D movie category. Avatar is clearly the most successful movie ever made for 3D. The hype and enormity of Avatar in 3D is definitely going to result in the need to implement more 3D projectors in theaters. Great for the movie, cinemas and movie lovers alike.

Lesson: Finding your niche is always key. In relation to lesson # 2, before the research process, it is good to have a clear objective in the niche in which you want to enter; for example, dog training. Avatar was lucky enough to kill two birds with one stone. The main niche that the film covered was the 3D market. but it was also well received in the 2D mass market.

3. Creation of partners

Take a look at the companies that joined in to make it work for you. IMAX was obviously one of them, McDonald’s was a great promotional partner, Mattel created the Avatar augmented reality toys, and so on. The people who would really profit from the movie would of course be 20th Century Fox. The movie alone had cost around $ 300 million more to make along with another $ 100 million more in marketing and advertising (The Big Business of Avatar – CNBC .com). Let’s not even look at things around the world, not even in my own country. The movie was sold out even before its release. Buying tickets only got more difficult after the movie’s release. It didn’t matter how early you wanted to get tickets, they were always sold out or with seedy seats. This is just an observation of how well ticket sales for Avatar (in 3D) were flowing in Malaysia.

Lesson: The point is, you see how much people can benefit from pooling their resources. Surely these maybe great weapons that we are talking about above. However, in the same hindsight, partnerships or joint ventures happen a lot in online marketing. It is very important to create a network of contacts in your database. You never know when they will be able to help each other. Take, for example, that McD’s is a fast food brand, but it was able to follow the wave and the hype that Avatar had. At the same time, it’s marketing for the movie, as more people will know about it every time they head out for a quick bite. It is a win-win situation and I firmly believe that it is always good to work with others.