Arowana Food: Fish

There is a large amount of fish available in the market to use as Arowana food. Actually, as long as the fish is not toxic or poisonous and as long as it is smaller than the Arowana you will be feeding it to, then it is okay for your pet to eat it. However, there are still dangers that come along with supplying fish in your Arowana’s diet. These and other facts about Arowana fish as food will be discussed in this article.

As mentioned above, Arowanas could be fed a lot of fish. The most common are small chidlid, catfish, koi, prairie fish, and goldfish. However, as also stated above, there are risks to using fish in the Arowana regimen. Because they are waterborne, the chances of infection are higher. Also, several of these fish are high in cholesterol, which causes the droopy-eyed condition in Arowanas. Dietary deficit is also a common result of using goldfish as Arowana food due to some of their enzymes. Therefore, the goldfish is not really a good livelihood option for Arowanas.

However, if you still plan to include live fish in your Arowana’s diet, you should always remember to keep these fish away for a minimum of five days to ensure they are safe to eat before feeding your Arowana. Also, so that your Arowana can receive more nutrition, you can first feed these fish right before giving them to your Arowana. This method can also be done when you are trying to pass a medicine to your pet fish.

In conclusion, it is fine to use live fish for Arowana food as long as one is aware of the dangers involved. Remember to quarantine them before use and avoid using feeder goldfish. Lastly, keep varying what you feed your Arowana so it stays healthy at all times.

Arowana Food: Live Prawns

Among the many Arowana foods available, the one that will be discussed in this article is live prawns, or in simpler terms, shrimp. Just like the other types of food that Arowanas can eat, there are also pros and cons to feeding your Arowana shrimp. Here you will discover exactly what they are.

One of the advantages is that, like any other crustacean, shrimps are a very good source of food. However, there are also downsides to using shrimp as Arowana food, just like the other living creatures an Arowana eats. So, just as you would with other live foods, it’s important to detain the shrimp for at least five days before giving it to your Arowana to ensure they are clean and free of disease. Another drawback to using live shrimp is that when they are left in your aquarium, your Arowana tends to persistently search for them downwards, one of the causes of Arowana drooping eyes.

Lastly, do not feed these crustaceans to an Arowana when it is still in its earliest stage of development. This is because the carcasses of the prawns are very difficult for the baby Arowana’s digestive system to break down, leading to stomach problems. However, shrimp is still abundant in vitamin A, the vitamin that enhances and enhances the color of arowanas, so it remains a good source of nutrition.

Now you know the advantages and disadvantages of using live shrimp as Arowana food. If you are thinking twice about what to feed your Arowana pet, reread this article and review what you have read. Shrimp is a good source of vitamin A, but using it all the time can cause droopy eyes. So keep alternating between shrimp and the other foods available for Arowanas and you can be sure you won’t have a problem growing your pet.

Arowana Food: The Basics

An Arowana should be fed a variety of Arowana foods so that the rate of probability of insufficiency in nutrition can be reduced. Also, an Arowana should never be overfed. Doing so causes an Arowana to lose the desire to eat, which in turn causes them to starve for a long interval. This is also one of the reasons for the decreased lifespan of the Arowana, as well as their ability to reproduce.

The size of an Arowana should also be taken into account when it comes to knowing how much to feed it. Arowana food should be given three times a day if the Arowana is less than 6 inches. By contrast, an Arowana that is between 6 and 14 inches should have two meals within 24 hours. Finally, if the Arowana has reached its maximum size of more than 14 inches, it should be fed only once a day.

In its natural habitat, the Arowana’s diet includes insects, worms, crustaceans, small amphibians, and fish. However, when in captivity, owners may choose to train their Arowana to accept artificial food. Still, to ensure that an Arowana stays healthy when you make him your pet, the above should remain a staple in his regimen.

There is added nutrition in organic food, but there are also dangers that come with choosing to feed your Arowana the latter. Diseases can get into your tank through the things you put in it, so to prevent the latter from happening, hold off on live foods for a couple of days before letting your Arowana eat them.

These are just the basic things you need to know when it comes to Arowana food. To ensure you have a full understanding of what to feed your Arowana pet, read more about the different types of insects, worms, crustaceans, small amphibians, and fish that can feed it.