It is said in the Bible and in many other religious and spiritual writings that God is Omnipresent, which means that He is in all places and in all realities at the same time.

We humans, being part of “All that is”, are part of God and, therefore, it makes sense that if God is Omnipresent, we, being part of Him, are also Omnipresent, we are everywhere and at all times.

From personal experience I can verify that this is true.

I had a time when a co-worker said that an acquaintance told him that he had seen me and another co-worker in a certain place at a certain time. When I was informed of this, and the person involved described us perfectly, I immediately said that we had been there.

Only after thinking for a second did I realize the error of my speech and in this reality we had not been there, I was a couple of miles apart at the time and the aforementioned co-heart was about forty miles away. In some reality or dimension we were there and this soul had been able to access it.

At the time, I was convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that we were there, and I’m still convinced of it. I just feel that it is correct.

The same is true when an intuitive does a reading and a person who has since passed away and is contacted and messages are received for someone still living in the earth realm.

The messages are always accurate beyond what anyone living on the plain would know, how else could this be possible if we weren’t ubiquitous and could be in multiple places at the same time?

Many times these souls have reincarnated once more and are now living on the plain of the earth once more, being accessible in that reality and also simultaneously living once more on earth, it only shows that we are omnipresent.

The lives already lived of a soul continue to exist, and that soul continues to live in those lives. During the regression, the client connects mentally and energetically with who he was in that parallel past life.

A soul is like a river of energy that passes through different lives in different planes of existence, just as a river on Earth would pass through different cities, towns, villages or regions until it empties into a sea or an ocean. It is the same river, the same soul, flowing simultaneously through all those places, through all those parallel lives, it is always there, all we have to do is learn how to access it.