According to a report published in Deloitte Insights, 86% of companies interviewed in a survey say that developing new leaders is an urgent or important need. This means that most organizations would rather groom a number of their employees who have the potential for higher positions than hire them externally.

Taking leadership training courses is a great way to build your confidence and gain the additional skills and knowledge you need to be an effective leader. Once you believe you are ready to take on a leadership role, you can demonstrate your readiness and competence through these strategic actions:

1. Bring extra value to the table

When you were still applying for your job, during the interview, you were probably asked the question, “What can you bring to the table?” You probably answered this very important question by listing your accomplishments, skills, experiences, etc. But once you’re ready to take a higher position, you’ll need to bring more to the table.

This means taking on more work that you are confident you can do competently and completely. If you have a set of tasks that you must do on a daily basis, go beyond the norm and put more effort into your output.

For example, if you’re in retail, don’t just close the minimum or required number of sales every day. Work to get more sales and provide sponsors with better customer experiences. By going above and beyond what you and your boss are used to, you’re showing that you’re ready to take on more responsibilities.

2. Solve a big or recurring problem

Problem solving is a crucial skill that all leaders must have. You can demonstrate that you have this prized skill by actually solving a big problem or one that never seems to go away in the workplace.

Take the time to study certain processes or the office in general. Find out what causes business delays, customer dissatisfaction, and co-worker discontent.

Do some research and recommend research-backed strategies or solutions to solve these problems. Work with the human resources team, the business owner/manager, and your coworkers to see if these are feasible solutions.

Once the new processes are implemented, be sure to take a proactive stance and take the initiative to accept and follow these changes.

3. Take ownership of your work

Humility is another trait people look for in leaders, and it’s something you should have too. However, you must also own your contribution to success.

When others (especially your boss) notice and praise your accomplishments, accept and thank them. If you took the lead on a successful project, acknowledge the efforts of your teammates, but make sure you are aware of the important role they played in making it happen.

4. Give credit generously where credit is due.

Unless you’ve taken on a project yourself, always acknowledge and mention the efforts of your teammates. This is a crucial element in demonstrating and cultivating great teamwork. Appreciating the work of your colleagues shows your boss that you are paying attention to the contributions of other people and that he understands how everyone’s work contributes to the success of the company.

Recognition is one of the most important things that employees want to get from their bosses for inspiration. Even if you’re not a boss yet, acknowledge the efforts of your colleagues; they (and your manager) will thank you.

5. Inspire others

Genuinely acknowledging the hard work of others is a wonderful way to earn the respect and admiration of your coworkers. However, take your appreciation a step further by motivating them to be better and also to perform at a higher capacity.

In addition to leading by example, find ways to inspire your colleagues. If some of them are experiencing burnout, offer advice on how they can overcome it. In case you’ve experienced the same thing before, share a few things about what happened and how you successfully handled it.

If some of your coworkers want to become better employees, or aspire to a higher position as well, encourage them to join you in team training sessions. All of you will learn something valuable from these programs. It’s also an amazing way to let others know that you’re also thinking about their well-being and success; this, in turn, will encourage them to live for more.

6. Know how to listen

Listening to another person with an open mind is a much admired quality. It is essential to build and maintain quality relationships.

By knowing how to listen with an empathetic ear and an open mind, you can develop a culture of passion and energetic teamwork. This is a clear indication that you have what it takes to be a leader. These are also traits that employers and managers look for and value in their next leaders.

7. See the big picture

Developing the ability to see and think big now will help you become an effective employee and leader. This refers to the ability to keep an eye on the larger vision of successful leadership without becoming affected or caught up in various obstacles or problems at work.

Thinking in the big picture will also allow you to act proactively rather than reactively. When you already have this trait, your boss will know that you are ready for a leadership role. This is because this quality is very helpful in effectively managing people and time, and in turning challenges into opportunities.

8. Find, define and strengthen your voice

Building your personal brand is synonymous in today’s corporate world. This is something job seekers are encouraged to focus on.

Finding and developing your brand voice and standing out from the crowd in a positive way will also help others see you as a potential leader. This can also extend to your beliefs; staying true to what you believe in is a good sign of a remarkable leader.

There is nothing wrong with going all out if you are interested in taking on a leadership role. After all, aiming for a higher position is a goal worth working hard for. It is rewarding in many ways and is a clear sign that you are on the right path to greater success.