Day: February 11, 2023

advance directive warning

approx. 1:30 a.m. Saturday morning, December 18, 2010 “I think I need help!” Mom is standing outside my bedroom door, gasping and writing in pain. She says that she waited an hour before waking me up. (Background: When I got in last night, Mom told me that she sometimes gets “uncomfortable” at night. Knowing that […]

Business Accounting Software

Accounting is a system of collecting, summarizing, analyzing and reporting, in monetary terms, information about an organization. The end product of business accounting software is financial statements consisting of the balance sheet, profit and loss account, and statement of changes in financial position. These statements are therefore the source of information from which conclusions about […]

Gurdjieff cheek

“I don’t claim to understand George Ivanovitch,” Mrs. Ouspensky said. “To me he is X.” It was January 1924 and her husband had just left Gurdjieff. Her departure, with the added warning to her students not to see or talk about Mr. Gurdjieff, brought to the fore the then-perennial question: who was Gurdjieff? Many people […]

Do isometrics burn calories?

Muscles themselves burn calories, and strenuous exercise has a big effect on calorie burning in the body, but do isometric exercises burn calories? Is isometric training strenuous enough to burn body fat? An isometric exercise case study by the owner of Isometric-Training showed a reduction of 20.3 pounds of fat in 4 weeks. That was […]

L3Cs: A Sweet Honey of a Deal for Nonprofits

The hot topic in foundation circles today is the L3C, also known as the low-profit Limited Liability Corporation. Experts tout it as the latest development in social enterprise. Several states are now legalizing L3Cs and the tax and philanthropic benefits that come with them. You may have read the recent news about the Bill & […]
