Day: January 20, 2023

Discover the history of herbs and spices

Before discovering the rich history of Indian herbs and spices, it is necessary to understand the terms herbs and spices in a more concise way. Let’s start with the herb dictionary meaning: an herb is “a flowering plant whose above-ground stem does not become woody.” Furthermore, spices can be defined as – “any of a […]

The stages of a market hobby

What is a hobby? It is defined as a mental illness characterized by great excitement, euphoria, delusions and hyperactivity. When investing, this means that investment decisions are driven by fear and greed without being tempered by analysis, reason or the balance of risk and reward outcomes. The mania usually runs in parallel with the commercial […]

Renovate your kitchen with style

The kitchen is a work of art and a center in almost every home. The kitchen is where the family gathers in the morning and says goodbye in the evening after a midnight snack. The pantry cabinet is where everyone gathers when hunger starts to set in, or when someone is bored and looking for […]
