1) Reduce your energy costs: A crawl space encapsulation insulates the walls of your crawl space and conditions the air below your home. This results in an annual savings of 10% to 20% on your energy bill. Encapsulation is one of the few home repairs that pays for itself!

2) Greater comfort at home: By air conditioning your crawl space, your floors will not be cold in the winter. This is especially good for hardwood floors and tiled bathrooms. It also keeps your home from feeling damp and stuffy during the summer.

3) No more musty smells: A crawl space encapsulation removes moisture from under your home. This means that musty odors will not be pumped into your home through the air conditioning unit.

4) Increase the quality of the air in your home: By removing moisture from under the house, you no longer get moist, unconditioned air into your home. Encapsulation promotes air circulation throughout the home. If your air conditioner is located under the house, it no longer pumps mold spores throughout the house.

5) Air conditioning lasts longer: Another way encapsulation saves you money is by improving the longevity of your heating and cooling equipment. Moisture increases the load on your air conditioner and causes trunk lines and air ducts to rust.

6) Minimize repairs: Crawling space encapsulation removes moisture from under your home. This moisture is the source of many insulation damage problems, mold and mildew outbreaks, structural damage, and equipment damage from rust.

7) Eliminate insect infestationsBy reducing humidity, you remove a key ingredient that insects like termites need to survive. Your crawl space will no longer be a conducive condition for harboring ugly and creepy critters in your home.

8) Additional storage space: Most people don’t store much in the driveway because it gets damp, rusts, and damages everything. An encapsulated crawl space becomes a moisture-free environment that is perfect for storing anything. It always helps to add 1000 square feet to 2000 square feet of storage space.

9) Increase the value of your home: An encapsulation system greatly increases the value of your home. It also makes your home easier to sell. Your home has no moisture problems that the home inspector can find and you have proof of energy efficiency and the lowest energy bills your home produces.

10) Incentives and tax credits: The federal government offers tax rebates for insulation products that improve your home’s energy use. Local power companies sometimes offer rebates on your energy bill to improve the energy efficiency of your home.