Category: Technology

What is CPM, CPC, CPA and CTR?

CPM CPM stands for Cost per thousand. (M is the Roman numeral for a thousand, so the cost per thousand). This is the amount you will pay to the ad network or website publisher to show your ad a thousand times on their website or across their entire ad network. If your ad is shown […]

Time to show Amazon Echo

Have you heard an echo lately? Amazon continues to expand its Echo product line. The company that introduced us to Alexa now has more devices for listening to music, getting news and information, and controlling your smart home, all simply by using your voice. First came the cylinder like Echo. It was followed by the […]

Creating a perfect article

Do you have a topic that you have been immersed in for a while? Write an article about it! It has been shown to relieve stress and increase satisfaction when you share your experience with others. I have personally been doing network marketing on social media! Users love it when I share tips and tricks […]

Top video game influencers on YouTube

On YouTube and other social media platforms, any niche and any topic could lead you to make big profits just by uploading your videos and sharing them with the world. Every view counts, every like is worth a penny, and every action increases traffic. Online games have brought a lot of fun and excitement to […]

Terrify your cat with the iRobot vacuum system

Have a robotic home vacuum? They are all fashionable and quite innovative. If you don’t have one, eventually you will, as this is how the future of vacuuming the house will be made. Most of the household chores will be performed by simple robotic systems with at least a minimum of artificial intelligence programming. The […]
