Category: Shopping Product Reviews

Cranberry Juice with Acid-Reducing Medications – Reduce Nutrient Depletion from GERD Medications and Heartburn

Cranberry juice is commonly known to help decrease the frequency and/or severity of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other urinary disorders, including kidney stones. One of the main causes of urinary tract infections is the presence of bacteria E.coli It adheres to the cell walls of the bladder and urinary tract, thus causing an infection. […]

Do you know about Blue-Thooth?

The blue tooth is initially conceived by Ericsson. The five founding members of the Bluetooth SIG are Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia and Toshiba. On December 1, 1999, the founding members announced that 3COM, Lucent, Microsoft, and Motorola had joined the founders to form the Promoter Group with the founding companies. To date, more than 1,200 […]
