Category: Legal Law

Find a cheap lawyer?

What do Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and cheap lawyers have in common? A silly question to be sure, since there are no Santa Clauses, Easter Bunny or cheap lawyers; however, if you have a legal problem and need to fix it, there are a few alternatives to consider before giving an attorney a retainer. […]

Art Therapy – The Importance and Tools

Art therapy was born in the middle of the 20th century. It is based on the concept of visual representations, in order to express one’s own feelings. Paints, Chalks and Clay are the essential tools of Art Therapy. The Therapy actually aims to relax an exhausted brain and psychology, to refresh, stabilize and make them […]

When did numerology start?

WHAT DOES NUMEROLOGY MEAN? In simpler terms, numerology is the study of numbers and how they affect people and the environment. It is a means for the cosmos to connect with humans. Because he lacks an audible voice, he communicates with humans through signs, which are often numbers. If you find yourself looking at the […]
