Category: Legal Law

The Telephone – A Brief History

During the 1870s, two renowned inventors independently designed devices that could transmit sound through electrical wires. Those inventors were Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray. Both devices were registered with the patent office within hours of each other. A bitter legal battle ensued over the invention of the telephone, which Bell subsequently won. The telegraph […]

Set smart goals to succeed

With focus, you create a powerful laser-like ability to accomplish things. However, it is extremely important that you stay focused on your goal, rather than just concentrating on working hard. Many people, including some leaders, believe that hard work is all there is to it. Unfortunately, a person can work hard with efforts focused in […]

Indian Mobile Infrastructure: To 3G or Not to 3G

For most foreign investors around 1994, a first glance at India’s Telecommunications Policy seemed to assuage concerns. In our naiveté, we hoped that this Policy would put India at least on a par with China, where a stifling regime ruled telecommunications. However, a disastrous implementation ensured that India languished behind its neighbor in teledensity, cellular […]

Job Security vs. Financial Freedom

Why do most people settle for job security instead of financial freedom? For most of us, it has been ingrained in us throughout our lives from our education system, our family and friends, and 95% of the people we come in contact with every day. We are not taught how to be financially free, we […]

So, do you want to be a criminal lawyer?

We have all seen the various incarnations of law and order. Countless other television shows and movies portray the life of a criminal attorney as glamorous, rewarding, and exciting. Of course, you know that just because he’s on TV doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. This profession can be exhausting and tedious at times. It is […]
