Category: Legal Law

10 ways to make money right now

My oldest son, Matthew, called me a loser the other day. He is 16 years old. He’s fine, he didn’t call me a “loser” specifically, but he was talking to a nurse in the ER about how he planned to go into politics when he grew up. He wants to be president, he said. “Hey,” […]

Native American Bar Association

The National Native American Bar Association NNABA serves those who practice Indian law. It exists to advocate for social, political, cultural, and legal issues affecting American Indians, Native Hawaiians, and Alaska Natives. It offers regular, associate and special memberships. The NNABA represents Indian nations as well as individuals. Lawyers are traditionally dual citizens of the […]

The Mystery of the Chincanas Underground Tunnels

The Chincanas underground tunnels are likely an appropriate object. In fact, they have been studied for several decades, but there is still no answer that confirms and convinces what they are made for or why they cover such a large area. This place has given rise to numerous myths about missing archaeologists or hidden Inca […]

Lawyer Services

People today are quick to seek out lawyers and take legal action on matters that many people would consider trivial. Whether you agree to the circumstances or not, the services of a lawyer are an absolute must simply to protect yourself and your property from the vast number of people who would not hesitate to […]

The adverse effects of technology

(NOTE) The following is an excerpt from my forthcoming book titled “REAL WORLD TRANSFORMATION – THE WORKFORCE MANUAL”. Today our society is driven by technology and some would accuse me of being an anti-technologist. Having been actively involved with the information technology industry for the last 30 years, I can assure you that this is […]

What Role Does a Transfer Lawyer Play in Due Diligence?

Transfer Lawyer Play in Due Diligence The role of a transfer lawyer in due diligence is to assist the buyer and seller in conducting a thorough investigation of a potential acquisition. In this way, a buyer and seller can make an informed decision about whether or not to proceed with the purchase. 过户律师 Due diligence […]

Possession of Controlled Substances

What will happen to you if you are arrested for personal possession of cocaine or other controlled substances? Drug possession is one of the most common crimes in the US Any possession of an illicit drug, such as marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, or heroin, can result in serious charges. If the court finds that you had […]
