Category: Gaming

Monster Files, a book review

Author Nick Redfern exposes monsters and government secrets For Your Eyes Only – Dossier of Fantastic Beasts Why would a government care about the abominable snowman, the Loch Ness monster, or any outlandish story about bonfires? And yet they do, and with alarming consistency. Prolific author Nick Redfern doesn’t settle for stale explanations, but rather […]

Westward Kingdoms Game Review

Westward’s hit time management adventure game series is back with a whimsy twist in Westward Kingdoms! Exiled by their father the king for being spoiled brats, Prince Fenwick and Princess Catherine must prove their worth by helping neighboring kingdoms fend off evil monsters and build prosperous cities and fortresses. Help the Prince and Princess grow […]

What is the E3 Expo?

Every year at E3, great game developers come to show off their biggest and best titles to the point where they’ve been developed. Some games are still in the early stages of development and only a small portion of them can be shown as it has been refined specifically for the E3 event. All members […]

Spider-Man PS4 2019: Top 5 Best Movie Suits

Spider-Man 2018 is an amazing action adventure game influenced by Marvel comics, developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The game features Peter Parker as the main character, who is secretly known as Spider-Man. This article will look at the top five battle suits featured in the movies and most are unlocked […]

How To Choose The Best Gaming Laptop For You

If you want to find the best gaming laptop, there are some basic tips that you need to know. When buying a gaming laptop, you need to know your needs first. It may take some time, as it requires careful study of some characteristics. There’s no question that gaming laptops are a different beast than […]

Automatic survival in winter time

We travel to many places in the winter without considering the consequences of being stranded in the cold for an extended period of time. All cars must contain a certain piece of basic survival equipment. In the old days, before fancy electronic communications like cell phones and GPS tracking units came along, we carried a […]

Supply drop addiction

The makers of Call of Duty have finally found an answer to a growing problem in the COD franchise. The only revenue a company used to raise when creating a video game was the initial sales of the game itself. Call of Duty games have traditionally released in November, just before the holidays. Activision and […]
