Category: Business

The History of Road Paving in the United States

Road Paving The history of road paving in the United States traces the development of the highway system as it has changed and expanded throughout the years. In its earliest days, roads consisted of dirt and gravel, or even tree stumps. These were rarely wide enough for horses and wagons. However, man and his horse […]

The origin and history of explanatory videos

A concept-based marketing tool that is an explainer video is well known to everyone. Any make without having at least one explainer video is like having a delicious biryani without the raita, it just doesn’t make the mark. According to reports, only 12 percent of online businesses do not have an explainer video. It is […]

Flexible Financing: The Competitive Advantage

What do you do to finance that once-in-a-lifetime order? Where do you access the cash to exploit sales opportunities? What can give you an advantage over your competitors? It’s not always reputation, experience, or even entrepreneurial drive that determines why one business thrives while others struggle. Ultimately, it may simply be that one company has […]

The 7 C’s of a successful resume

Your resume may have taken many hours to perfect. However, there’s no excuse to double-check everything after you’ve finished it. The important thing is that you edit it with a fresh look, maybe a day or two after writing it. This will allow you to view it from an outsider’s perspective. Every detail of the […]

Guide to Oolong Milk Tea

With the rise of milk tea markets, such as Taiwanese milk tea and commercialized tea drinks, the kind that sometimes have flavored tapioca balls swimming in it, the true premium quality of oolong milk known to the masses has been completely altered. Many claim to be selling milk oolongs, but they are actually artificially flavored […]

Role and duties of a company secretary

A company secretary is a high-level position in a private sector company or public sector organization, usually in the form of a managerial or higher position. In large publicly traded US and Canadian corporations, the company secretary is usually referred to as the corporate secretary or secretary. Despite the name, the role is not clerical […]

Why so many Bibles?

I was researching this while writing a course on Kabbalah for ULC Seminar. One thing I learned during my research is that the Hebrew Bible is very different from the Old Testament in the Christian Bible. I have since ordered this Bible, but cannot comment on it as I have not yet received it. I […]
