Spring is here! Now is the time to clean up the old and welcome the new. Rather than simply cleaning out our closets, patios, and garages, let’s consider purging our psyche of lower vibrational frequencies so we can fly! Most of us know what it takes to clean our homes and yards, but do we understand how to cleanse our energy fields and purify our own consciousness? Do we know the techniques to clear the aura of clouds or holes that need repair? In my work, I usually cut psychic cords with others that are not healthy. Spring is a good time to clear old thoughts or energies that we have unconsciously picked up on our journey. This clarity allows our inner light to shine through us like a transparent glass that receives the rays of the sun in our home.

Before we begin to clear our psychic space, we have to assess our current condition. Many of us have a lack of awareness about our mental state. We could ask ourselves some questions: “Do I feel exhausted, stressed, or tense? Do I have unexplained anxious feelings? Do I worry about someone I love for no apparent reason? Am I experiencing a sadness that puzzles me? I find myself repeatedly thinking of someone I love. who would rather forget “. If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it is possible that you are experiencing a psychic overload or that you are carrying someone else’s energy in your consciousness. These feelings of disharmony are indications that it is time for a psychic housecleaning.

Let’s start by understanding that we are energy beings that vibrate at different frequencies at various times. When we feel happy and inspired, our energy signature is like a hummingbird, fast and light. When we feel depressed or angry, our energy footprint is slow and slow like a glacier. Our psychic energy patterns change in response to various circumstances. When we pay attention to our own energy field, we can “feel” when we slide into lower vibrational frequencies and adjust our inner state accordingly. To increase our frequency, we can meditate, exercise, pray, sing, or use psychic cleansing tools until we feel better.

In this age, we cannot live in a cave separate from life, but we can effectively protect ourselves from negative energy and be aware of the body’s signals to avoid the “sponge effect” that occurs when we unknowingly take toxic energy from our body. environment. Symptoms of the “sponge effect” include feeling tired, irritable, or experiencing headaches when we unknowingly absorb negativity from someone else’s energy field. Many of us succumb to this psychic ‘second-hand energy’ because we don’t know the tools to protect and prevent it.

Psychic health requires that we protect our psychic space in the way that we would protect ourselves from contamination. We can act when we feel our energy level is compromised. For example, if we live in an apartment building where neighbors are fighting, we can pray for our neighbors, talk to them, leave the building, or move to a new location. Another option is to quiet our minds in meditation and not allow the frequency of struggles to disturb our inner peace. By taking responsibility for how we feel, we empower ourselves and become free. By learning to care for our inner world, we create a harmonious ripple effect in our outer world. The choice is bear. Let’s choose to shine our light to the world!