The easiest way to find flights from LAX to SFO is to use a travel fare aggregation site and enter your departure and return dates. You can specify whether you want to search for economy flights or business class flights.

There are several airlines that offer this route between the two popular cities in California. Generally, the cheapest time to book a direct flight is approximately 17-21 days in advance. For connecting flights, it is cheaper to book 90 days in advance. There is usually not much of a price difference between buying a roundtrip flight and a one-way flight.

California is a big state: there are 347 miles between Los Angeles and San Francisco. A nonstop flight usually takes just under an hour and a half. Flights from LAX to SFO are cheapest during the months of July and October, and the most expensive in June. The price is constant during the other months.

Some of the many airlines that offer flights include:

• United Airlines

• American airlines

• Alaska Airlines

• AeroMexico

• Virgin America

• Ethiopian Airlines

• All Nippon Airways

• Singapore Airlines

• JetBlue

• WOW Air

• Border

• Delta

United offers almost 1/3 of the direct flights. Seattle, WA is the most popular connecting city for flying. Wednesday is the busiest day to fly to SFO from LAX. The most reliable airlines that have the highest percentage of on-time arrivals to SFO are Delta, American, and Alaska Airlines.

Car rental after your flight

There are many car rental and public transportation options to help you get from the airport to your San Francisco hotel. You can even combine a car rental and a hotel room with the price of airfare. Sometimes it is cheaper to do this than to try to reserve everything separately. There are plenty of budget hotels and inns to choose from. SF is an amazing city with famous landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman’s Wharf, and Alcatraz Prison.

Do you need to leave your car in Los Angeles? Parking at LAX is reasonably priced. The airport offers short, long-term and inexpensive parking options. If you prefer to take public transportation, you can call one of the several taxi companies that operate at the airport or take a free shuttle from the Metro Green Line station.

Flights from LAX to SFO are available during the day and night, so there is room for flexibility. You should be able to easily find an affordable airline ticket, regardless of your itinerary. While last minute discounts are rare, you never know when one might show up.

Use Travelocity’s search feature to find and compare discounted flights from LAX to SFO. The site is very easy to use and you can plan your entire trip. You can also get cheap lodging and car rentals using Travelocity coupon codes.