Day: December 30, 2022

Digging the history of cutlery

The history of cutlery probably begins in the Stone Age with the shell and sharp flint used to cut meat and other foods. It is amazing to know that everything about kitchen cutlery, from its design to the material used in its manufacture, the manufacturing process, and even its applications since the days it originated […]

Helpful Facebook Marketing Tips

Facebook has triumphantly emerged as one of the biggest success stories on the internet, enjoying the patronage of a whopping 500 million active users today! It is easily one of the most visited online platforms, boasting the largest social network ever created. Naturally, it can prove to be the answer to all advertisers’ prayers. Facebook […]

Ketogenic Lunch Ideas

Ketogenic lunch ideas can help you stick to your weight loss plan. There is a lot of debate about the effects of ketosis on the body. Can ketosis cause cancer? What are the long-term consequences? The short answer: No. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a good idea to stay away from him. This is […]

Indian Mobile Infrastructure: To 3G or Not to 3G

For most foreign investors around 1994, a first glance at India’s Telecommunications Policy seemed to assuage concerns. In our naiveté, we hoped that this Policy would put India at least on a par with China, where a stifling regime ruled telecommunications. However, a disastrous implementation ensured that India languished behind its neighbor in teledensity, cellular […]
