Day: December 13, 2022

The brand gods

thugs. In the schoolyard bullies are the most confident. Armed with the bravado to take on anyone and everyone. But, in the business world they are considered gods. The gods of Branding. My organization currently charges about three times the price of our competitors when testing at the advertised price (and that’s our starting price), […]

Let car dealership decals be the finishing touch

Car dealer stickers are designed to identify where the lovely car you’re diving into originated from! Dealer stickers can also be used on motorcycles, with equally good results! Truck dealers use them, typically putting their car dealer’s decal on the tailgate or in another conspicuous place to let fans know where they can buy a […]

Why publish an article?

On the Internet, it is quite possible to make money without selling any products. One way to do this is by starting your own eZine, also known as an email newsletter. Simply put, you send your eZine issues periodically to your subscribers. The good thing is that you have a flexible option to automate the […]

The best ideas for Christmas gifts

Every year it becomes more difficult to find interesting ideas for Christmas gifts. Finding the perfect gift for a loved one or friend seems easy at first, then when it’s time to start shopping, you find yourself stuck trying to come up with the perfect Christmas gift idea. I hope this article helps you find […]

Automatic pool water leveler

If you are looking for a reliable automatic pool water leveler, I will save you time and money by sharing some facts about water levelers. Right off the bat: stay away from any auto-fill device that connects to a garden hose! They are constructed primarily of plastic parts that can and will warp or become […]
