Day: November 12, 2022

NBA Eastern Conference. Central Division Advance

The Central Division of the NBA Eastern Conference is the toughest division in basketball with the Pistons, Cavs, Bulls and Pacers all within easy reach. With the Pistons losing Ben Wallace, things get even tougher in the Central this season, but it looks like Detroit still has enough to take home another Central Division title. […]

Why You Like Curly Fries Means You’re Smart

In a study published this week, and sure to rekindle Facebook’s privacy fire, researchers have shown that Facebook users unknowingly reveal everything about themselves through their Likes. Funded by Boeing and Microsoft Research, the study shows that Facebook can be used to accurately predict a wide range of personal attributes including: sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, […]

How to choose an estate attorney

Planning your estate is no easy task, and making sure everything is done correctly can be critical to the financial well-being of your heirs and loved ones. Estate planning is more complicated than simply writing a will. It also works to minimize taxes and other fees and establishes contingency plans for your medical care in […]

A Review of Used Car Search Engines

Are you looking for a used car and finding it difficult to find a decent one with an ideal price? You are not alone. There are many people out there looking for used cars. A used car is meant to reduce the costs of buying a new one. However, sometimes we are forced to listen […]

Eat half, twice as many!

I found that all you have to do to lose weight and then maintain your new weight is eat half as much as you normally would, but twice as often. While you may have heard of a similar concept (small, frequent meals), what may be new to most people is adjusting your proportions every time […]
