Month: August 2022

Reduce Alcohol Cravings – Part 1

WHY THE CRAVINGS? Craving certain substances is not a matter of corrupt morals or weak wills. It is often a series of learned behaviors and body chemistry.[i] Something as simple as genetic background can predict potential alcohol problems. For example, people with a Middle Eastern background have been using alcohol for over 2,000 years. In […]

The importance of parental authority

A large number of adolescents today feel that parents have abdicated their duties to exercise authority and take responsibility for the direction of their children’s lives. Some parents refuse to do so and others cannot exercise their rights. As a result, there is a growing rebellion against parents. In some countries, the courts blur parental […]

What Time is the Weekly Powerball Lottery Draw?

Weekly Powerball Lottery Draw Which place every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday at 10:59 p.m. MT. Tickets are sold for $2 each. After the draw is complete, the winning numbers are published on the official website. If you are wondering what time the draw is, you can find out at the official Powerball website. Each drawing […]

Things to do in Daylesford when you’re dead

Ghost stories abound and stories of murders and tragic accidents date back to the early days when life was harder and people lived and died around the gold fields. Daylesford, a small town in rural Victoria, Australia, along with its surroundings, has a wealth of stories, some spooky, some sad, but all interesting. Locals speak […]

Laundry Organizer – Behind The Truth – Laundry Time Management & Superior Laundry Organization

For most housewives, laundry is one of the most troublesome household chores. The rooms are usually crowded almost every minute. The place accumulates almost everything inside the house, including dirty clothes, shoes, cleaning supplies and basic necessities. Now, there are many different organizers to control clutter. And the following are some of them. Laundry rack […]
