Day: April 18, 2022

When learning is not easy

From the moment we find out we are expecting a child, our minds and hearts are overflowing with hopes and dreams for them. My son will be the most beautiful, brilliant and talented little person who ever walked the Earth, right? And they are that for each of us! But sometimes, we discover that there […]

Shivaji, Marathas and Ganimi Kawa

Guerrilla warfare is basically used by smaller armies to fight larger, less mobile armies. This type of warfare has a long history. In fact, already in the year 500 a. You can find references to guerrilla warfare in Roman history around 100 BC. C., where the Lusitanos and Viriato fought an impossible battle against the […]

Why do parents disinherit their children?

Estate planners use the term “natural objects of one’s generosity” to refer to those people who are expected to receive a portion of a person’s estate upon their death. Typically, the natural objects of a person’s generosity are members of the immediate family who would take a share of the estate if the person were […]

Brain wave synchronization during HR and RPM Similar to Energy Healer and Patient-Telepathic Result

Facilitated communication (FC) remains controversial and continues to have more detractors than enthusiasts. Yet this fascinating energetic relationship between facilitator and nonverbal autistic person is a mysterious and misunderstood connection that has benefits beyond mere communication. FC is a complicated process with many interesting components that require open dialogue and further investigation. As an experienced […]

Automatic CIJ Printer Manufacturer

Automatic CIJ Printer If you are in the market for a new CIJ printer, you’ve probably already heard about a company called cij printer manufacturers. This type of printer is made for continuous, uninterrupted use on industrial assembly lines and can code at speeds of up to 1,000 feet per minute. The key to an […]
