Day: July 3, 2021

What are the main airport transfer options?

After reaching the airport arrivals halls, there are many different options for getting to your hotel. The cheapest option is likely to include public bus or train service, but that won’t be the most convenient, especially if you’re traveling with a lot of luggage or small children. A more relaxed and stress-free option is to […]

The Legend of Pop Hollinger, first comic book distributor

It’s strange that most comic book collectors and distributors have never heard of Pop Hollinger. This 47-year-old retired teacher from Concordia, Kansas, was the first merchant to buy and sell old novels, pulp magazines, magazines, and comics. Hollinger ran his shop from 1939 in Concordia, during the deep economic depression, to 1971. Whether or not […]

2008 Mercedes C-Class Model

Mercedes-Benz is known for its luxury vehicles. To keep up with their competitors, they must work hard to create the best cars that offer comfort, performance and power that consumers will want to take advantage of. One of their most successful models is the C-Class. To ensure that this trend continued, Mercedes-Benz engineers worked long […]

All about Google Analytics

Google Analytics is Google’s free website analytics tool that provides basic analytical data and statistics for search engine optimization and marketing purposes. The service is available to anyone with a Google account. It is a free web media analytics service offered by Google to track and report website traffic. It was launched by Google in […]

The 11 best anime to watch

If you like anime, you’ve probably already seen all of these. But if you are not … you MUST try it! Anime is NOT like your usual cartoons. These stories are unique, packed with intense characters and beautiful animation. Action, drama, science fiction, psychological, horror, apocalyptic, comic, what it means to be human, humans merging […]
