Day: June 19, 2021

3 easy ways to lower cholesterol

Do you know that eating foods high in fat, such as saturated fat and trans fat, can increase your LDL (low-density lipoprotein) level? This is not good because LDL can increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, and other types of heart and vascular disease. LDL is called good cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is […]

Law Outsourcing: The Future of LPO in India

Legal process outsourcing has matured and diversified from a mere cost saving strategy by offshoring of core legal functions such as large document reviews for litigation disclosure or transaction due diligence for legal investigation, practice management, dispute resolution, rediscovery of advice documents and more. The practice of law is undergoing massive change as technology penetrates […]

Tales of Xillia

Ah, Japanese RPGs, a staple of my gaming life. In Japan, the market is full of games of this type (obviously, that’s why they are called JRPG), but there have always been two important series among the countless titles of the genre: Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. There has also always been a series behind […]
