Day: April 17, 2021

Bear Down Chicago Bears Ringtone

The Bear Down Chicago Bears ringtone is one that Chicago fans know quite well. This is a very popular tune that is played when the Chicago Bears play at home. The song plays throughout the stadium (Soldier Field) every time the Bears score a field goal or touchdown. Also, if they score any points, either […]

How to better manage your mail

How to better manage your mail

Letters, magazines, bills, flyers, what to do with all of them. There should be only two responses to each mail or email, do something with it or throw it away! As always, the best way to deal with it is in an organized way. One of the quickest ways to do this is to have […]

Home decor for a claustrophobic

The main factor that contributes to that feeling of crowding that one has in small spaces is clutter. Newspapers, magazines, or books randomly strewn across the living room add to that “confined” feeling. Simply stacking the magazines or placing them neatly on a table will add space to a room. The kitchen or dining room […]

Screenagers Capture

Teens have always been an attractive market for advertisers, because they love to spend money on the latest in fashion, gadgets, music, entertainment, and anything else that makes them look, act, feel, or be perceived as cooler than everyone else. The advertising giants have been feeding off the teen channel for generations and will continue […]
