Is This A Product That You Should Buy?

You may find codeine and promethazine for sale in your local drugstore. These two prescription medications are usually given to people with allergies who cannot take other types of medication. In some cases, people with allergies will not be able to take other types of drugs at all and may need a combination of one or the other. This type of remedy can be quite effective for these people. You should understand the side effects and any precautions before taking this remedy.

Promethazine and codeine Cough Syrup for sale both have similar results when it comes to alleviating the symptoms of coughs. However, promethazine has more of an active ingredient, Codeine, than does promethazine. The combination of Codeine and promethazine is called Codeine prelimethazine. It is common to see people combining the remedies because of their positive results. However, this combination is very dangerous and you must be careful about mixing the products. This product is very addictive and has many side effects.

People who take cough syrup for relief will often experience nausea. However, this nausea will not last for very long and will only last several hours. If you combine cough syrup with alcohol, this natural side effect can become stronger. You may also experience a headache when you take the medication. While this is a common side effect, you may experience a stronger headache if you take the medication with too much alcohol.

Promethazine And Codeine Cough Syrup

Promethazine and codeine cough syrup for sale can also cause drowsiness. Some of the people who take these two medications will be more sleepy for several hours after taking them. This can also lead to falls, dizziness, confusion, irritability, or depression. This can be dangerous and should not be allowed by those suffering from any of these problems.

When you are looking for cough syrup for sale, you should also watch out for any additional ingredients that may cause a negative reaction. These include sugar, yeast extracts, wheat proteins, and caffeine. As long as you are aware of all these ingredients and are using them correctly, you should have no problems. However, if you are pregnant, nursing, or suffering from high blood pressure, you should consult with your doctor before taking promethazine or codeine cough syrup for sale. Your doctor can help you determine if these products are right for you.

The cough syrup for sale that you find should be natural and safe. There should not be any added ingredients that could cause a negative reaction. The cough should be easily diluted with water or juice. The liquid should be free of sugar, yeast, wheat, or caffeine. It should be a tasty drink that will quell the symptoms of your colds.