How will you feel when you realize that your best friend’s spouse is in love with you? That will be very difficult to tell your best friend for fear of a friendship breakdown.

If your friend’s spouse admires you and makes sexual advances to seduce you, it can be described as a lustful feeling and not as real love. Your friend’s spouse must be suffering from sexual lust, but that shouldn’t be your muzzle-flexing territory. That’s someone else’s property, so you don’t have to trespass. It is wise to run away from that temptation to maintain a good and healthy relationship with your friend.

Especially if you remember the thoughts and emotions that you shared with your friend, you may not like to lose them. A friend is indeed a friend when you need it, but love is always blind. Sometimes people behave irrationally, out of love. However, it is not bad to love, but it is bad to have an intimate sexual relationship with your friend’s spouse. If that happens, the trust and respect that existed between you and your friend erodes and is replaced by hatred, suspicion, and breakup. You should also remember that when you throw a ball at the wall, it bounces towards you.

There are many ways to avoid this temptation.

Do not visit your friend’s house during his absence. In this case, always make sure to visit your friend when you invite him, and not your spouse. Remember that your spouse is not your best friend.

If you want to make a phone call to your friend, always call his mobile phone and not his landline.

When you are chatting with your friend, don’t discuss anything about your spouse. Whenever such an issue comes to the fore, avoid it. As much as you show interest in discussing issues related to your spouse, this could spark your passion to be tempted.

Whenever your friend’s spouse invites you to lunch, try as much as possible to dishonor that invitation with tangible, polite excuses to avoid hurting him. And if you want to comply with that invitation, ask to attend with your partner. If you are single, your family member may be the best substitute. And you have to reveal this information to them so they can protect you.

Remember that your friend’s spouse is more or less your friend and not your enemy. Therefore, you must not do anything to hurt them, you must be cautious and polite when dealing with them; especially when they are trying to seduce you with sexual innuendo. The level of intimacy between you and your friend’s spouse should be casual.