Day: October 9, 2021

Prevent slugs from entering your home

Slugs like wet situations and live under stones. Unlike snails, which hibernate for the winter by enclosing themselves in their shells, slugs are active year-round. Slugs are mostly found in the garden, where they can be a real problem for gardeners, chewing on your plants year-round, but are often seen as a bigger problem around […]

Exemplary Leadership in Higher Education and Nonprofits – Blenda Wilson, PhD

Retired President, Nellie Mae Educational Foundation This article is part of groundbreaking leadership research that has received wide endorsement and rave reviews from prominent business leaders, politicians, and recognized academics who participated in the study or reviewed the research results. A total of sixteen leaders were interviewed on the topic “Leadership and Overcoming Adversity.” Dr. […]

The worst fashion combinations

We’ve all taken a look at photo albums and often wondered what the hell we were thinking when we decided that the floral jumper looked great with the leopard print leggings. Interestingly, money doesn’t buy style, and it’s often the celebrities who end up putting together some of the worst fashion combinations. Here are some […]
